Meeting Agendas
** Agendas for current, next and previous meetings are stored in Adobe Acrobat® format and will be downloaded when you click on the respective link. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer to display and read these minutes. If you do not have this facility you can download and install Acrobat Reader® free of charge from the Adobe website by clicking on the link below.
** This link will take you to the Adobe web-site. ‘ Click Here ‘ Please follow the on-screen instructions to download and install Adobe Reader onto your computer.
Agenda for next meetings
Agenda for the next meeting (November 2024) will be published on Sunday 17th November 2024
Latest published Agenda
Agenda November 2024 Public
(published on Sunday prior to meeting)
Suggest Agenda Items
Suggest items for inclusion on next agenda. HERE
(please include your name, contact details and all relevant information)