Parish Councils are the most accessible form of local government and almost all meetings of the council are open to the public and the press to observe, record and even participate in the process of governing your local parish.
Most people do not actively follow the process of government unless there is a topic under consideration which is important to them and which is at a crucial point in the decision process. It is at such times when individuals and groups may decide that they should attend the meeting and experience the process at first hand. Often people are not sure of their rights and obligations when attending such meetings and can be unsure of the protocol expected.
In recognition of this, and in order to provide reassurance and as much practical information as we can, we have made available some publications for you to view or download which should help clarify the protocols and help your attendance at a meeting a more relaxed experience.
The Department for Communities and Local Government has published a plain english guide to ‘Open and Accountable Local Government‘ which explains what you can and can’t do at a council meeting, what your rights are if you wish to record the process of the meeting, and how to access the many records, documents and information held by your local council.
To view/download a plain english guide to to your rights and obligations when attending and reporting council meetings click here – ‘Openness regulations 2014‘
Should you wish to record a council meeting in progress there are a number of considerations and some restrictions as to what you are able to do during the meeting itself. Glaisdale Parish Council has published a set of rules and guidelines, specific to this council, to assist you and to ensure that meetings can be held without disruption and so that the rights of all at the meeting can be safeguarded.
To view/download the rules for recording public meetings please click here – ‘Rules for Recording of proceedings of Glaisdale Parish Council
Both of these publications, in hardcopy form, are available from the Clerk at every council meeting and upon application at other times. (there may be a small charge to cover publication costs if you require hardcopy versions)